Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Processing Temperature = 576 °F Product List

Processing Properties

Tips: 30 items are displayed at most. For the rest of the results, please contact customer service.
Processing Properties Metric English Comments
Processing Temperature 160 - 302 °C
320 - 576 °F
Dyna-Purge® B Purging Compound
Designed for Injection and Extrusion Blow MoldingGeneral Description:DYNA-PURGE B is a non-abrasive, non-chemical “engineered” thermoplastic purging compound, formulated to flow naturally ..
Processing Temperature 160 - 302 °C
320 - 576 °F
Dyna-Purge® B Purging Compound
Designed for Injection and Extrusion Blow MoldingGeneral Description:DYNA-PURGE B is a non-abrasive, non-chemical “engineered” thermoplastic purging compound, formulated to flow naturally ..
Processing Temperature 160 - 302 °C
320 - 576 °F
Dyna-Purge® P Purging Compound
Designed for Hot Runner SystemsGeneral Description:DYNA-PURGE P is a non-abrasive, non-chemical “engineered” thermoplastic purging compound, formulated to have a natural flow through the b..
Processing Temperature 160 - 302 °C
320 - 576 °F
Dyna-Purge® SF Purging Compound
Designed for Sheet & Profile Co-Extrusion & Multi-Layer FilmGeneral Description:DYNA-PURGE SF is a non-abrasive, non-chemical “engineered” thermoplastic purging compound, with a proprietar..
Processing Temperature 160 - 302 °C
320 - 576 °F
Dyna-Purge® X Purging Compound
Designed for Sheet & Profile ExtrusionGeneral Description:DYNA-PURGE X is a non-abrasive, non-chemical “engineered” thermoplastic purging compound, formulated to have a natural flow throug..
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