Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Tensile Strength, Ultimate = 32.0 MPa Product List

Mechanical Properties

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Mechanical Properties Metric English Comments
Tensile Strength, Ultimate 30.0 - 32.0 MPa
4350 - 4640 psi
UV Postcure; ASTM D638M
DSM Somos® 9120
The need for movable parts is a constant when it comes to prototyping. Being able to ensure the proper fit for parts within a component can save both time and money. Somos® 9120 creates semi-transp..
Tensile Strength, Ultimate 21.4 - 32.0 MPa
3100 - 4640 psi
Average value: 27.8 MPa Grade Count:3
Overview of materials for Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE), Sheeting Grade
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Tensile Strength, Ultimate 16.5 - 32.0 MPa
2390 - 4640 psi
Average value: 23.4 MPa Grade Count:11
Overview of materials for Polypropylene with Carbon Black Filler
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